If you run a business, you’re going to ask yourself where you most need to invest as the new tax year looms. So how do you prioritise? Are all investments 100% clear-cut and calculable? Or do some produce results in immeasurable ways? Staff wellbeing, for example…
The number crunchers amongst us may well argue that everything is calculable and measurable. Personally, I’d agree to differ. I mean how do you calculate increases in profit to be gained from boosting staff mood?
What’s the mathematical formula for that?
Sometimes you have to look at things the other way round. Some formulas are invisible, have neither numbers, letters nor symbols and yet they generate entirely predictable outcomes. If that sounds cryptic, it’s meant to!
Because some leadership priorities such as employee health create impacts on business that are real and perceivable but can’t necessarily be pinned down in black and white. Just think about it for a moment: How high up the budget list do your staff come?
The question is: Can companies really afford not to invest in staff wellbeing?
How might an unhealthy workforce be limiting your business growth? Particularly when it comes to mental ill-health. How much does it cost you every year in terms of lost productivity due to sick leave? Now imagine the impact of acting preventively.
Imagine too how much more attractive you become as an employer for prospective candidates. You actively choose to contribute to the wellbeing of your community by offering activities and facilities that boost emotional health and mindfulness.
Feel good breeds more FEEL GOOD!
I see the other end of this topic professionally. But it’s visibly noticeable how the vibe in the workplace changes, how much happier and more productive staff become when they have access to wellness options, from fitness deals to personal coaching.
Positivity resonates. It makes the office space a nicer place to be.
Ask yourself just that, when you’re next in the office! How’s the vibe? How does it genuinely feel to work in this environment? The energy you surround yourself in matters. It has a wider impact on everything, from mood and relationships to actual performance.
You might not have an algebraic formula for turning good vibes into €$£, but when you empower employees to take care of themselves, you create an exemplary recipe for wellbeing that organically enhances output.
If you’d like to talk more about 1:1 or group Empowerment Coaching for your teams, get in touch with me at Freeflow Coaching. Let’s put emotional wellbeing first this year.